‘You Are President’: Joe Biden’s ‘Stand Up to Gun Lobbying’ Speech Infuriates Twitter

US President Joe Biden along with millions of Americans, helpless parents, and made netizens mourn at the murder of 19 children and two teachers in mass shooting at Texas Elementary School on Tuesday. Biden, in his speech in the White House, said, “Losing a child like having a piece of your soul torn. There is a vacancy in your chest; You feel like it is sucked into it and will not be able to get out, died limply. “

As a continuation of his speech, he added that: “As a nation, we must ask when in the name of God we will stand to lobby weapons? When in the name of God we will do what we all know in our intestine that needs to be done? “The speech was then distributed from the official Twitter grip of Biden, which triggered a variety of reactions between Twitter and many people asking whether the US president would not bring changes to the law of weapons, who would be.

One netizen commented: “You are the president. You do something. Stop fear of the Republican party.”The weapon itself is not the problem. Social media, children with too much access to the internet, family destruction, lack of community support, social isolation, not discussing the teenage mental health crisis … This is a root problem. We can’t fix the root problem .. – Lacie Carmichael (@Araciecarmichael) May 25, 2022

Mass shootings in America are often followed by public protests and calls for actions by democratic politicians, but federal weapons safety policies such as general background checks in other countries have failed in the face of strong republican opposition.Biden demanded action on Tuesday night without describing the actions he wanted to take, or asked for certain votes at the congress or policy.

“I hope when I become a president I don’t need to do this again,” said Biden who seemed shaken, condemning the death of a third grade student, innocent “second, third and four in another” massacre. “Biden, whose life has been marked by the family tragedy, said parents in Texas “will never see their children again, never jump in bed and hug them,” he said.

He asked Americans to fight feelings of helplessness from seeing other mass shootings.

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