Xiaomi CC11 photos also appear on TENAА [Update: It could be the Mi 11 Lite NE]

Update: We received some info from our tipsters that the M2109119DG phone has appeared on certification websites under the name Mi 11 Lite NE and is not a successor of the CC/Note lineup. that might explain the similarity with the present Mi 11 Lite smartphones.

Original story follows:

The Xiaomi CC11 smartphone has been listed on TENAA with its full specs, but the listing was missing the standard accompanying photos. Now the pictures are up, and therefore the design looks familiar. The Xiaomi CC11 features a square camera island almost like several Mi 11 series phones.

The CC brand is exclusively Chinese, but we may even see an equivalent device in global markets under a special name, a bit like the Mi Note 10 was supported the CC9 Pro.

The image quality isn’t great but we will see there is no periscope lens on board. we will also see all keys on the proper side and one LED flash.

Xiaomi has scheduled an in fortnight in fortnight , but the CC11 will likely not be a neighborhood of that with the Mi 11T series taking the scene.

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