WPC Full Form | What Does WPC Stand For?

WPC Full Form | What Does WPC Stand For?

WPC Full Form: WPC stands for “Wood-Plastic Composites.” It is a material composed of wood fiber or flour and thermoplastics (including PE, PP, PVC, etc.). This composite material is widely used in various applications due to its durability, low maintenance, and resemblance to natural wood.

Other Full Forms of WPC

It seems like you’re asking for the full forms of WPC along with their meanings in Hindi. Let’s clarify them before we move to any conclusions.

Full Form Hindi Meaning
Wood-Plastic Composites लकड़ी-प्लास्टिक कंपोजिट
Water Pollution Control जल प्रदूषण नियंत्रण
World Peace Council विश्व शांति परिषद
Woman Police Constable (INDIA) महिला पुलिस कांस्टेबल
Women’s Political Council महिला राजनीतिक परिषद
World Population Conference विश्व जनसंख्या सम्मेलन
Waste Policy Center अपशिष्ट नीति केंद्र
Westinghouse Process Control (United States of America) वेस्टिंगहाउस प्रक्रिया नियंत्रण
Welfare Policy Center (Hudson Institute) कल्याणकारी नीति केंद्र
World Product Centre (New York, USA) विश्व उत्पाद केंद्र
World Pool Championship विश्व पूल चैम्पियनशिप
Western Power Corporation (Australia) वेस्टर्न पावर कॉर्पोरेशन
Web Page Composer (software) वेब पेज प्रबन्ध करनेवाला
Word Processing Center वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग सेंटर
Work Package Concept कार्य पैकेज अवधारणा
Workstation Processing Center कार्य केंद्र प्रसंस्करण केंद्र
Watts Per Cell (batteries) वाट्स प्रति सेल
Wave-Particle Correlator (Wave Science) तरंग कण सहसंबंधक
Web Page Creator वेब पेज निर्माता
Windows Parental Control (software) विंडोज पेरेंटल कंट्रोल

Frequently Asked Questions

What is WPC?

WPC refers to “Wood-Plastic Composites,” a versatile material known for its strength and sustainability.

What is the Full Form of WPC?

The full form of WPC is “Wood-Plastic Composites.” It is also known as “Water Pollution Control” in environmental contexts.

What is WPC Full Form in Hindi?

In Hindi, WPC stands for:

  • “Wood-Plastic Composites” = “लकड़ी-प्लास्टिक कंपोजिट”
  • “Water Pollution Control” = “जल प्रदूषण नियंत्रण”

Is WPC safe?

Yes, WPC is considered safe for use in home furniture and other applications. It offers a durable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional materials.


WPC, or “Wood-Plastic Composites,” is a versatile material with applications in various industries. It also serves as an acronym for “Water Pollution Control,” highlighting its dual significance. For more informative content, feel free to share this post with your relatives.

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