WION’s Pak Journalist Abducted By Taliban In Kabul, Now Safe: Report

Pakistani journalist Anas Mallick, who was in Afghanistan to cover the first warning of the Taliban’s takeover to the country, was kidnapped and physically attacked by the Taliban. However, then the Pakistani ambassador to neighboring Mansoor Ahmad Khan on Friday confirmed that he was safe. Mallick, who worked for Indian channel news channel, landed in Afghanistan on Wednesday to cover the takeover of the Taliban and a recent murder against the head of Al-Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri in the US Drone attack.

Anas Mallick’s missing report began to circulate Thursday night, the day after he reached Afghanistan. His journalist fellow was one of the first people to share news about the disappearance of Anas Mallick on Thursday night, in a tweet. He shared that his telephone was unreachable and there was no information about him available with the Pakistani Embassy in Kabul, who had begun to conduct an initial investigation with the Taliban government.

Then, the Pakistani ambassador to Afghanistan Mansoor Ahmad Khan confirmed Friday that Mallick is now located in Kabul and Aman “Regarding the report on Pakistani journalist Anas Malik, I just talked to him on the phone briefly. He was in Kabul and safe. Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto has also shared the information via Twitter. Mallick also went down to Twitter to inform his safety, saying, “I am back”.

He was reported missing the next day after submitting a story about Safehouse where Al-Qaeda’s head was killed in a drone attack. Anas Mallick Baru -Newly interviewed Pakistani Foreign Minister Bhutto during the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Council (SCO) in Tashkent. Anas Mallick Hassan Mallick’s younger brother in a tweet has written, “My brother and journalist Anas Mallick have been lost in Kabul from the last 12 hours. The authorities were asked to pursue this case and ensure fast and safe recovery. Prayer requested. Also. “

Tells the story of what Mallick said, “We were handcuffed, blindfolded, and faced the wildest accusation and after that we were questioned thoroughly about our journalistic credentials as well. Personal questions were also thrown at us. Yesterday afternoon, around 9:30 (local time ), I was moved to a room where I was told that I would be allowed to walk free once once the translator appeared. “

He also expressed his traumatic experience by showing torn clothes and injuries. This is not Mallick’s first visit to this region. He has widely covered the takeover of the Taliban after the withdrawal of the United States last year. What is important, local producers and drivers are still being held by the Taliban. Although they say that they will soon release it, but there is no update.

When covering the clash between the Afghan and Taliban security forces on July 16, 2021, Indian photo journalists who won Denmark Siddiqui Pulitzer were detained illegally, tortured, and killed by the Taliban, and his body was mutilated. This is not an isolated incident because there are many incidents related to civilian attackers, including journalists.
38 -year -old Siddiqui, who is the main photographer for Reuters in India, was killed in the Spin Boldak District of Kandahar Province while covering violence in Afghanistan.

Denmark, our loving son, was killed by the Taliban for only carrying out his journalistic duties, “said Denmark Siddiqui, Shahida Akhtar.” He became the target of the level of torture and savage mutilation when in their detention. Denmark always supports honesty and integrity in his work. He always shows the pain and suffering of people. He was brave and brave all this time. “Siddiqui, a native of New Delhi, was abandoned by his wife Rike and two children.

More than 200 media outlets have stopped operating in Afghanistan and 7,000 media workers have lost their jobs since the Taliban seized power in August last year while the country’s economy continued to shrink.

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