Ukraine not a member, why Nato is still fighting its war with Russia

The Organization of the North Atlantic Agreement (NATO) has become the focal point of Russian war in Ukraine. Military response from NATO has been announced. The US promised NATO’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Thursday morning NATO was established after World War II in 1949 with 12 members from North America and Europe. Now, NATO is a 30-member military alliance.


Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It’s been waiting to become a member of NATO since 2008. It was promised membership American President George W Bush pushed to put Ukraine on the membership action plan (map), an important step towards becoming a member of NATO, but Germany and France blocked the move. They insist that Ukraine must meet certain eligibility criteria This group was conceived to fend off attacks suspected of Russia on one of the founding members. The narrative and shadow of the communist capitalist and the shadow of World War II dominated the sentiment at the time.

Heart of NATO.

Article 5 The NATO Charter is the foundation of this military alliance. This talks about the “principle of collective defense”, declaring “NATO’s heart” This article binds NATO member countries to node them “to protect each other and determine the spirit of solidarity in the Alliance” This means that if countries are attacked by non-member countries, all members will consider them as attacks on each country, and respond militarily But Article 5 does not apply to non-member countries, such as Ukraine. However, NATO is stakeholders in the Russian-Ukrainian war.


NATO has evolved since it was established at a slow speed at first. Only three countries – Greece, West Germany and Spain were their new members until the 1980s. After the unification, Germany became a member of NATO in 1990 Suddenly, post-1997, NATO expansion gathered at speed. The first ‘target’ member is the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), once under Russian influence. The former Soviet constituency was under the next fold NATO membership now stands at 30 doubled during the term of office Vladimir Putin as the main leader of Russia. Most new members are those from the former Soviet Union.

NATO defines again

It was the collapse of the Soviet Union which forced NATO to reset his role. Article 5 The same from the NATO Charter is interpreted freely to expand the ambition to include non-member countries to protect the “interests” of members Also, if a member wants NATO intervention somewhere, the proposal can be discussed and approved by his government council Simply put, NATO can fight when the member states are attacked, interest in stunted countries or allys is threatened with military attacks.


Iraq’s invasion in the early 1990s was an example that occurred outside the NATO charter. The Soviet Union has just fainted Intervention took place in Kosovo in 1999 after sanctions from the UN Security Council. At that time, a theory appeared that NATO could fight after getting an unsc mandate, because the root causes the Russian Soviet military alliance had disappeared But then such principles will put NATO on veto mercy from Russia or China. The idea was thrown away. This is why NATO decided to fight Russian war Ukraine.

In fact, the first time NATO was summoned by Article 5 for military action after a 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States in 2001. Then, NATO made a shared decision to intervene in Syrian-Islamic warfare. Now, NATO has intervened in the Russian Ukrainian crisis.

Ukraine, Russia and Nato Triangle

NATO treats Russian aggression in Ukraine as a threat to its allies who joined the NATO Group North Atlantic Cooperation Council in 1991, and signed for the NATO partnership program for peace in 1994. Russia also signed for both Russia and Ukraine both observe NATO membership. But Ukraine really applied. The application for NATO membership is waiting. His president, Zelensky, recently appealed again to accelerate the decision of the Memoreanization Action Plan (MAP).

On the other hand, Russia and NATO form a consultation forum called the NATO-Russian (NRC) council after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But unlike Ukraine, Russian relations with NATO has been chaotic They became hostile during the Kosovo crisis in 1999 and Russian military action against Georgia in 2008. NATO eliminates Russia from the cooperation council after Putin ordered the Antemeans of Crimea in 2014 So, while Ukraine remains a willing NATO allies, Russia continues to test the US-dominated military alliance to maintain the burning of cold warfire. The result is, Ukraine has become a battlefield for the NATO-Russian military battle. 

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