Regular physical activity at 70 may help ward off heart disease in old age

Twenty minutes of daily training is increasingly excited about old age (70-75) can prevent the main heart disease, including heart failure, at the end of the old age (80+), indicating research published online at the heart of the journal This finding strengthens the saying ‘better late than never,’ when exercising, but before the older age is still better, concluding related editorials.

It’s no secret that physical activity is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a longer life, regardless of gender and ethnicity, with the benefits obtained together with efforts incurred But relatively few studies that look exclusive on whether training later can help counteract heart disease and stroke in old age To plug in this knowledge gap, researchers pulled data from Progetto Veneto Anziani (Prova), a study of older 3099 Italians (65 and above).

Initial assessment, including detailed medical history, physical examination, scanning, and blood test batteries were carried out between 1995 and 1997, with two more assessments 4 and 7 years later At the beginning of the study, women were more likely to have 4+ conditions of coexistence, with the prevalence of osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and higher chronic kidney disease; Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and diabetes are more common among men.

Participants fill out the questionnaire at their physical activity level at each time point. Moderate physical activity includes walking, bowls and fishing, while strong physical activity includes gardening, gym sports, cycling, dancing, and swimming Those whose physical activity is added up to 20 minutes or more aware is defined as active; Those who clocking up less than this is defined as inactive. Men are more likely to be physically active than women.

Changes in the pattern of physical activity are defined as: stable low (not active – inactive); high decreases (active-inactive); increasing low (active inactive); and stable high (active-active) Other potential background information about household income, the achievement of education, the number of household members, and smoking and drinking is also collected The health of all participants were then traced through the connection with hospital discharge records and death certification until the end of December 2018. Final analysis included 275 participants with complete data, including women (60%).

During the monitoring period, 1037 new diagnoses of heart disease, heart failure, and stroke were made Increasing the level of physical activity and maintaining an active lifestyle over time is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death in men and women The biggest risk reduction was observed for new cases of coronary heart disease and heart failure in old age. There is no significant relationship between physical activity and stroke observet Most participants have a pattern of active physical activity that is stable from time to time. The pattern of high stable physical activity is associated with a significant risk of cardiovascular disease (52%) among men compared to those who have a stable-low pattern.

The biggest benefit seems to occur at the age of 70. The risk is only slightly lower at the age of 75, and is not lower at the age of 80-85, indicating that increasing previous physical activity in old age may have the biggest impact, say researchers The J-shaped curve for the length of the exercise was also observed, with a reduction in heart disease and heart failure associated with a period between 20 and 40 minutes of medium physical activity to strong every day.

While the most powerful observed associations among men, the researchers emphasized: “Women who do more physical activity consistently reduce the incidence of almost all cardiovascular results despite the fact that risk reduction does not achieve statistical significance, but when considering overall death, risk is reduced significantly. “

This is observational research, and therefore, cannot determine the cause. The researchers recognized that this study relied on the participants, that the level of physical activity was considered subjectively, and that there was no data available at the level of medium physical activity, all of which could affect the cardiovascular risk profile in the final life.

However, they concluded: “These results indicate that public health policies must be targeted to promote or start physical activity at the end of mid and early age, given the possibility of greater effectiveness in reducing cardiovascular risk “At least 20 minutes of medium physical activity to strong per day must be recommended to achieve the largest cardiovascular benefits.”

In the editorial, Drs Enrico Fabris and Gianfranco Sinagra from the University of Trieste, Italy, explained that physical activity helps increase arterial blood flow and can reduce its rigidity so that the formation of blood clots However, a detailed mechanism where [physical activity] can reduce the risk of future [cardiovascular disease] remains not fully understood,” they show.

“The favorable effect of [physical activity] can be explained by its ability to slow down the process of atherosclerosis through better blood pressure control, blood glucose level, and lipid profile But the findings show: “That ‘movement is medicine’ also in a late life. Even a small number [physical activity] can provide beneficial effects on parents, but if done early,” they concluded.

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