PPT Full Form: What is the full form of PPT?

PPT Full Form: What is the full form of PPT?

PPT Full Form: The term PPT has various full forms, including “Parts Per Trillion,” “Personal Property Tax,” “Pre-Production Test,” and “Personal Protective Technology.” Below is a table listing the many full forms of PPT in both Hindi and Englis.

Primarily, PPT stands for “Program Properties Table,” “Processing Program Table,” “Precision Pressure Transducer,” and “Public Pay Telephone.” The table below details the different full forms of PPT in both English and Hindi.

All PPT Full Form with Hindi Meaning

PPT Full Form Hindi Meaning
Parts Per Trillion भागों प्रति ट्रिलियन
Personal Property Tax व्यक्तिगत संपत्ति कर
Pre-Production Test प्री-प्रोडक्शन टेस्ट
Personal Protective Technology व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा प्रौद्योगिकी
Program Properties Table कार्यक्रम गुण तालिका
Precision Pressure Transducer प्रिसिजन प्रेशर ट्रांसड्यूसर
Public Pay Telephone सार्वजनिक भुगतान टेलीफोन
Program Performance Test कार्यक्रम प्रदर्शन परीक्षण
Process Project Teams प्रोजेक्ट प्रोजेक्ट टीम
Product Positioning Time उत्पाद की स्थिति का समय
Post Production Test पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन टेस्ट
Personally Procured Transportation व्यक्तिगत रूप से अनुमानित परिवहन
Permeability Plugging Tester पारगम्यता प्लगिंग परीक्षक
Pupil Personnel Team पुपिल कार्मिक टीम
Parts Per Thousand भागों प्रति हजार
Processing Program Table प्रसंस्करण कार्यक्रम तालिका
Powered Pallet Truck संचालित पैलेट ट्रक
Precision Pressure Transduce सटीक दबाव ट्रांसड्यूस
Primitive Pythagorean Triple आदिम पायथागॉरियन ट्रिपल
Princess Peach Toadstool राजकुमारी पीच टॉडस्टूल

In the table above, we’ve explored various full forms in both English and Hindi. Now, let’s address some frequently asked questions from the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: Which Full Form of PPT is most commonly used?

The most commonly used full forms are “Parts Per Trillion” and “Parts Per Thousand.”

Q2: What is the Full Form of PPT?

PPT represents “Parts Per Trillion,” “Personal Property Tax,” “Pre-Production Test,” and “Personal Protective Technology.”

Q3: Which Full Form of PPT is utilized in government contexts?

In the context of government, PPT stands for “Personal Property Tax” and “Program Planning Team.”

Q4: What is the Full Form of PPT in Hindi?

In Hindi, PPT stands for “Powered Pallet Truck” (संचालित पैलेट ट्रक) and “Princess Peach Toadstool” (राजकुमारी पीच टॉडस्टूल).


In conclusion, PPT has numerous full forms, with the most common being “Program Properties Table,” “Processing Program Table,” “Precision Pressure Transducer,” and “Public Pay Telephone.” If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and relatives.

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