Pakistan rejects Taliban claim that US used its airspace to kill Al Qaeda leader: Report

Pakistan has rejected the Taliban claim about the Islamic airspace that is used for US strikes that killed the Al Qaeda Ayman Al-Zawahiri leader in July. The reaction occurred after the Taliban blamed the Pakistani government for allowing air space to be used by US drones.

Acting Defense Minister of Afghanistan, Mullah Yaqoub, on Sunday said that the use of unauthorized drones to patrol Afghan airspace was a violation of the country’s border. The statement was made during the press conference held on Sunday afternoon by Mullah Yaqoub and Chief of Staff of the Taliban Military Forces, reported Khaama Press.

“Our information shows that they (US drones) entered Afghanistan from Pakistan, using Pakistani airspace,” Mujahid told reporters when asked where the drone came from, according to the Fajar newspaper. During the press conference, the Taliban Defense Minister greatly claimed that the US used Pakistani airspace as a medium to enter and attack Afghanistan.

The reaction occurred after the Taliban blamed the Pakistani government for allowing air space to be used by US drones. Acting Defense Minister of Afghanistan, Mullah Yaqoub, on Sunday said that the use of unauthorized drones to patrol Afghan airspace was a violation of the country’s border.

The statement was made during the press conference held on Sunday afternoon by Mullah Yaqoub and Chief of Staff of the Taliban Military Forces, reported Khaama Press. Our information shows that they (US drones) entered Afghanistan from Pakistan, using Pakistani airspace,” Mujahid told reporters when asked where the drone came from, according to the Fajar newspaper.

During the press conference, the Taliban Defense Minister greatly claimed that the US used Pakistani airspace as a medium to enter and attack Afghanistan. The unexpected appearance of the Taliban caused anger between people and caused damage to tourism when the Taliban Day was reported to have arrived in the valley. The discussion between the two parties began in October 2021 to find political solutions to this problem. The talks held at the request of the Afghan Taliban caused a ceasefire one month in November. However, a ceasefire cannot last long because the difference immediately appeared.

The ongoing peace talks between TTP and the Pakistani government reached a deadlock when a group that was prohibited from refusing to surrender to its request for the reversal of the federal-managed tribal area (FATA) with the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province. Although a series of meetings between the two parties in the last few weeks to break the deadlock, there was also a deadlock over the problem of placing weapons in the event of a peaceful agreement.

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