More Sanctions On Russia: US Lays Out Next Phase Of Response Against Putin

WASHINGTON: More sanctions on Moscow, more weapons for Ukraine, and investigations of war crimes suspected of being Russian soldiers: The United States raised pressure on several fronts against President Vladimir Putin, said officials said Monday. When Russia withdrew from the capital of Ukraine Kyiv, leaving what Ukraine said and its allies were proof of mass atrocities, the war shifted to the focus on the eastern region where Moscow had controlled the area and was expanded “Russians positioned their troops to focus on its offensive operations in the East and some South Ukrainians,” National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters. “Russia has tried to subdue all Ukrainians and fail. Now will try to bring some countries under their rule. And “this further phase can be measured in a few months or more,” he said.But while Russian troops resigned from North Ukrainian plots, seemed to give up the initial hopes of rapidly Volodymyr Zelensky, the discovery of a large number of bodies in the region they previously controlled was the determination of fuel in Washington to press harder President Joe Biden called Putin as a “war criminal” and the murder that occurred in the city of Bucha as “war crimes. There should be “war crime trials,” Biden told reporters Sullivan said that Washington, in concerts with European allies, also worked on more steps to add rafts that had withered economic sanctions aimed at paralyzing the ruble, the Russian elite and the ability of the state to import high-tech components.

“You can expect further sanctions announcements this week,” he said, adding that “the option related to” to the energy industry profitable Russia is on the table State Secretary Antony Blinken traveled to Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday to attend the NATO Foreign Minister’s meeting.  ‘sophisticated weapons’ On land, the United States works to increase the volume and it seems that the strength of the weapons given to the Ukrainian armed forces.For weeks, Zelensky begged a weapon that was able to hit Russian troops from a distance and to survive the air force that was much stronger, navy and long-distance artillery. He has repeatedly emphasized the need especially for fighter jets, tanks and anti-air defenses While Western forces have so far failed to approve how or whether to get such a system to Ukraine, partly for fear of provoking Russia, Sullivan noted that the Biden government sent an arm worth $ 2.3 billion to Ukraine.

And he made it clearer on the way. Sullivan said that Washington worked with allies about weapons sources including “anti-aircraft systems, artillery systems, and coastal defense systems” – apparently referring to the idea of ​​using soviet-designed equipment held by Eastern European countries that can easily. Integrated into Ukrainian rankings.He is embarrassed about the details of the new system, which will come above the relatively short number of rockets, drones, and small arms that have been delivered Sullivan said, “Some of these systems, we cannot advertise However, the extent to which and the depth of efforts to obtain and transfer the abilities of the sophisticated weapons extraordinary, it has never happened before, “he said. 

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