Here’s why India abstained in UN General Assembly on vote to suspend Russia from UN Human Rights Council

New Delhi: India Abstain with an important voice to suspend Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. New Delhi has taken a neutral attitude in the Ukrainian crisis and has been eight times on several resolutions to Moscow.The British has criticized the attitude adopted by the world’s largest democracy with the Minister of Trade Anne-Marie Trevelly said that England will continue to work with Indian partners hoping their views will change.Other countries including the United States and Germany said that they understood India’s position.We understand that India has a history and complicated relationship with Russia, a major Pentagon official told the Congress audience.So why India has taken a neutral attitude in the Russian-Ukrainian crisis at the western response on “special operations” of Russia has been severe and strict.

India has chosen the side of peace

The 193-year-old General Assembly chose to adopt the draft resolution transferred by the US to suspend Russia from the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council on charges that the Russian army killed civilians while withdrawing from the cities near the Kyiv capital of Ukraine.Describing his position, India said if it has chosen any side, it is the side of peace and the final end of violence.India Abstain at a resolution for the reason for the substance and process, explaining India’s remaining representatives to the UN Ambassador of Tiruumu after voting.Since that from the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, India has been established for peace, dialogue, and diplomacy, Tiruahu said there was no solution that could be achieved by shedding blood and at the cost of innocent life.
Highlighting the impact of the crisis, Tiruahu said its influence was also felt outside the region with increasing food and energy costs, especially for many developing countries.

India not doing any favour to Russia by abstaining

Since January 2022, India has been abstained at least eight occasions about procedural votes and draft resolutions in the UN Security Council, the General Assembly and now the Human Rights Council.The Indian approach to the crisis has been neutral and should not be seen as aid to Russia because bilateral bonds are tested between the two countries.Do not forget that India expressly condemns a very disturbing report of civilian killings in the city of Bucha Ukraine and even supports the appeal for independent investigations that underline that when innocent human life is at stake, diplomacy must win as the only decent choiceTiringu further said that it is our collective interest to work constructively, both in the United Nations and outside, to seek initial resolution for conflict.Saying that India has been at the forefront of protecting human rights, Tirumuti said that New Delhi firmly believed that all decisions must be fully taken to respect the legal process and this also applies to international organizations, especially the United Nations.

When PM Modi explained India’s neutral stand in Russia-Ukraine war

Another important logic behind the Indian decision to maintain its neutrality in the ongoing crisis is bilateral bond and other connections with Russia and Ukraine.Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that India shares relationships – economics, security, education and politics – with countries involved in the war.While giving a victory speech to his party worker at the Headquarters Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) in New Delhi after the Safron Party achieved victory in four countries, PM said some Indian needs were connected to these countries.He further said that the ongoing war affected every country around the world and confirmed that India was on the Peace and hoping that all problems were resolved by deliberation.

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