Here’s how to get notifications for missed calls on my phone

Think about a situation where your loved one called you due to an emergency, but you failed to pick up the phone. Worse, you didn’t even get a notification. Or when you’re on vacation, your most important client reached out to you, but you didn’t get notified. Or maybe when your mobile is out of reach, you receive some important calls but miss them. 

Moreover, when we get so busy that we don’t remember who called us, that is when the missed call alert feature rescues you. 

Yes, a missed call alert feature. Airtel identified that its customers were facing issues like the ones mentioned above, so it decided to introduce the Airtel missed call alert feature. 

What is the Airtel missed call alert feature?

During the day, many of us miss calls. Having said that, we cannot deny the fact that every single call could be important. To resolve that, Airtel released a new feature on the Airtel Thanks app that allows you to stay on top of your missed calls, all the time. With the help of this feature, whenever you get a call, and your phone is switched off or out of range or maybe anything else, the Airtel missed call alert feature will generate an alert or simply put, a notification. That means, as soon as the internet connectivity is restored on your smartphone or you get back on your phone, you will be able to see who called you and at what time.

Sounds amazing, right? So, now let us tell you how you can set up the Airtel Thanks app and get started with the missed call feature. 

Steps to get missed call alerts

You can activate missed call alerts in a few minutes:
1. Firstly, download the Airtel Thanks app on your smartphone. 

  1. Next, register in the app with the required details. 
  2. Now, on the app’s home page, in the shortcuts tab, you will be able to see an option that says ‘Missed Call Alerts’. 
  3. Click on that and proceed. 
  4. Now, click ‘Turn on missed call alerts’.

Now, your missed call alert feature is ready to serve you!
Note: Please be informed that only Airtel customers with Airtel prepaid or postpaid connections can take advantage of this Airtel Thanks feature.

Features of Airtel Thanks Missed call alert

With this amazing and exclusive feature, you will never miss any important call even when you’re away. Additionally, the app allows you to click on these contacts and call or send an SMS right away. Simply, the Airtel Thanks missed call alert feature makes sure that your connectivity needs are never gone unanswered.

Other Airtel Thanks App features
If you’re an Airtel customer, you can take advantage of many Thanks app features like online bill payments, etc. Moreover, you can also make transactions and enjoy the benefits of free OTT platform subscriptions with this online recharge app.


Download your one-stop Airtel Thanks app and enjoy end-to-end world-class services!

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