Different Types Of Hosting You Should Know

Website speed, performance, and accessibility are all determined by WordPress web hosting plans.  If the web host is working right, all the things will be right on track on their own.  Hence it is very important to choose the right host for the right aim and operations.  There are different types of hosting available in the market, such as shared WordPress hosting and many others.  All of them differ in their pricing, advantages, and disadvantages. 

This distinction needs to be figured out at the time of choosing the right hosting plan.  To help you with it, here we have listed all the different types of hostings available and why you must opt for one among them.  For a comprehensive understanding, read the article at the end. 

  • Shared hosting 

This is the most commonly chosen hosting type.  The arrangement involves keeping several websites on a single server.  You can get access to specific resources, including storage and bandwidth limited to X Mbps.  These resources can be shared further with other users as well.  It depends on the monthly payments. 

The Shared hosting price is quite reasonable out of all hosting available.  The cost and usability of shared hosting make it the preferred choice for new small businesses, personal blogs, affiliate websites, and startups in their early stages.  It is very affordable, plus no technical knowledge is required to understand it.  There is one thing you need to consider – bandwidth limit.  This is one of the cons of shared hosting plans. 

  • VPS hosting 

This is just like the upgraded version of the shared hosting plan.  Here also, you can share the VPS with other people as well.  However, the website is hosted independently.  There are further distinctions in the VPS: Private and virtual.  A private hosting account will give you private resources, while a virtual hosting account will give you a virtual machine with virtual resources.  It is very dedicated server space.  VPS hosting is comparatively more stable.  Your responsibility, however, is to keep your software up-to-date and secure. 

  • Dedicated server hosting 

With dedicated server hosting, the website owner will get the rental rights on the server.  The owner will have complete control and authority.  You yourself can manage the traffic on the website.  You must also maintain the server and make sure they are secure.  With this hosting, you will get guaranteed resource availability.  There will be better security and privacy as well.  This is the most expensive web hosting plan.  So here you have to consider the budget as well.  It will also require technical resources for server maintenance. 

  • Managed hosting 

With managed hosting, you will get the hosting plan, hardware maintenance and management, infrastructural care and support, and many other things.  When you have to extend the storage, enable the backups, separating the storage – you can opt for managed hosting. 

  • Managed WordPress hosting

This is the most popular hosting plan among new startups and new bloggers.  Here you will host yourself.  You need to take care of the website performance, load speed, uptime, security, and many other things.  Managed WordPress hosting costs more than standard shared hosting.  It provides the website owners with additional time and peacefulness to concentrate on their main company and marketing instead of technical tasks.


These are the top hosting types that you must be aware of before buying one.  Buy the one that suits your budget and long-term website goals as well.  Follow the pros and cons list, and you are all set to go.

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