Diet regulations and cardiac rehabilitation are two significant techniques to manage Heart Failure

New Delhi: Our heart beat about forty two million times a year, without rest. But our lifestyle choices affect the function of our hearts, which leads us to the condition of heart failure. Heart failure is one of the most common causes of death throughout the world. What do we mean by heart failure? Heartmailure does not mean that the heart has stopped working. This is a condition in which the heart works on reduced capacity and is unable to supply processed oxygenated blood into the body. Heart failure is often confused by other heart conditions, especially with a heart attack, which is a sudden cessation of blood supply to the heart.

The death rate in patients with heart failure is more than twenty percent. Meanwhile, in the case of advanced heart failure in untreated patients, the death rate was reported to rise ten percent in the first month to thirty percent during the first year and fifty percent in the first five years. Therefore, it becomes very important to spread through information about heart failure, management and care. That is the task that happened with his initiative to defeat heart failure in partnership with Novartis. Many doctors from leading Indian hospitals have handened hands to strengthen this initiative and to help people understand the condition of heart failure and medical supremacy to deal with it.

One of the discussions occurred with a doctor from the Cims Hospital, Ahmedabad to discuss Aboutheart’s failure management and heart rehabilitation therapy for people living with heart failure Doctors join the discussion are: • Dr. Prashant Dishmukh – Chief Operating Officer • Dr. Dhiren Shah – Surgery of Cardiothoracic Transplants, Vascular and Heart • Dr. Milan Chag-INTERVentional, Heart Failure, and Heart of Cardok Transplantation • Dr. Ajay Rises, Heart Electrophysiology – Heart Arrhythmia and Device Heart Division Device Everyone is vulnerable to heart failure when exposed to certain conditions such as coronary arterial diseases, heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease valvular, congenital heart disease, heart disease Degenerative and cardiomyopathy or causes of infection obtained such as Covid19, said Dr. Milan to warn patients.

Describing an increase in the incidence of patients with heart failure patients in India, Drajay said up – residents of the South Asian continent, especially Indians are more susceptible to coronary arterial diseases and heart failure. In India, coronary arterial diseases occur at least two decades before compared to the whole world and attack our children The heart is broken worse because of the prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Fortunately, our current generation in India is more aware and knowledgeable about medical problems, seek attention, timely care, which results in better case reporting In addition, an increase in the average age of the Indian population is over sixty-five to seventy years compared to forty-five years earlier to increase the problem of heart failure.

Exceptional progress in medical science, especially in the realm of kardiovascular disease blend it possible to offer a treatment plan at each stage of heart failure, Dr. Shah said. We want to check the causes of heart failure in the correct treatment perspective. For the initial stages of heart failure, certain drugs are given and developing diseases, the treatment plan is updated. When there is a blockage in the artery or damage to the valve, angioplasty or recommended operation. Go further, when the heart is beating irregularly, the choice of pacemaker can be done. For the advanced stage, surgical options such as heart transplants or artificial lures are suggested.

Heart failure patients come to the hospital not only requires the right infrastructure in the emergency care department and hospitalization, but also plans for transition treatment in addition, healthy patient care protocols for each hospital wing. A patient who is present in the victim with a sudden appearance of symptoms of heart failure, will require optimal management. Furthermore, in the hospital inpatient department, the plan is to stabilize patients to ensure that they return home with the confidence described by Prashant.

Dr. Up to explaining that when the patient’s heart failure was identified, both in the outpatient department or was treated at the Department of Inpatient, who might have a history of scare acute heart failure or undergo certain procedures, our focus is to streamline and institutionalize systemic care management to ensure recovery and rehabilitation Dietary regulations and heart rehabilitation, are two important management techniques needed to be attended by patients. Bottom guidelines for medical therapy are recommended, based on the checklist as previously practiced, where drugs must be prescribed by doctors and lifestyle changes must be adopted by patients.

A patient is expected to be lipped and engaged in daily activities, and should not live in bed after being diagnosed and treated due to heart failure. The hospital wants to ensure that the patient lives a comfortable life. Heart failure is a lifelong management and requires lifestyle changes to avoid complications. This may include lifelong restrictions on fluid and salt intake, and give up on certain food items.

It is very important for patients and families to find out the prognosis and new lifestyle to adapt to patients, said Dr. Milan. A patient after being removed from the hospital was referred to the heart failure clinic. The heart failure clinic consists of a team of doctors, nurses, and paramedics who specialize and multi-disciplinary. Heart failure clinics play an important role in minimizing hospitalization and hospitalization Dr. Prashant said that any treatment plan needed a team’s decision. The aim is to give patients with holistic medicine and follow up, frommedications to lifestyle management. A patient is expected to monitor his vegetables such as weight every day, blood pressure and must be in accordance with drugs. The on-call consultation is also available with a doctor, if a patient cannot visit a doctor.

Congenital heart disease, if managed during childhood can be reversed and avoid complications in adulthood. However, for the forward stage of heart failure, the operation is the most feasible option, emphasizing Dr. Shah. Angioplasty or bypass surgery is recommended, when the heart has a blockage. Replacement valves are advised when the heart valve does not work properly to prevent further development of disease The doctor appeared with confidence and said, eighty percent of patients with heart failure after five years undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. They can have a good productive life if identified at the beginning of the development of heart failure.


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