Australian documents showed French submarine project was at risk for years

France shouldn’t are surprised that Australia cancelled a submarine contract, as major concerns about delays, cost overruns and suitability had been aired officially and publicly for years, Australian politicians said Paris has recalled its ambassadors from Canberra and Washington, saying it had been blindsided by Canberra’s decision to create nuclear-powered submarines with the us and Britain instead of persist with its contract for French diesel submarines.

Yet as early as September 2018, an independent oversight board led by a former U.S. Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter had advised Australia to seem at alternatives, and questioned whether the project was within the national interest, a 2020 public report from the country’s Auditor-General shows Australian parliamentary hearings and reports on the project, first priced at $40 billion and more recently at $60 billion, even before construction had begun, also showed problems emerging. In June the defence secretary told parliament “contingency planning” for the programme was under way.

“They would need to have their eyes shut to not realise the danger they were facing,” said Rex Patrick, an independent senator for South Australia , pertaining to France Government ministers said in the week Canberra had been “up front” with Paris about the issues  A French lawmaker also raised questions in parliament in June about Australian concerns over delays, and whether Australia could be considering submarine alternatives, French parliamentary records show.

“We chose to not undergo a gate during a contract,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told reporters when he arrived in ny on Monday The contract was found out that way, and that we chose to not undergo it because we believed to try to to so would ultimately not be in Australia’s interests.”

French officials deny that the contract had been plagued with problems for years, saying that at each stage difficulties had been resolved which that they had expected that the contract for the detailed design phase would be signed in September On an equivalent day because the #AUKUS announcement, the Australians wrote to France to mention that they were satisfied with the submarine’s achievable performance and with the progress of the program. In short: forward to launching subsequent phase of the contract,” he said on Twitter.

The Australian and French defence and foreign ministers had “underlined the importance” of the deal, consistent with a joint statement on Aug. 30 French officials haven’t disputed that there have been difficulties, like with any big contract, but say there was 18 months of “subterfuge” and “trickery” by Australian authorities who concealed the rival affect Britain and therefore the us .

They said that at no point did Canberra suggest to Paris to supply an alternate programme with propulsion despite French officials bringing the topic over the past few months An official from the French Embassy in Canberra said an intergovernmental agreement should have allowed for confidential discussions between ministers about changes to political or strategic circumstances.

“No warning, no proposals for discussion were offered,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter The deal was first announced in 2016. A pre-design review was delayed in 2018 because the “work provided to Defence by Naval Group didn’t meet Defence’s requirements”, the Australian audit said, citing lack of design detail, operational requirements and 63 studies not completed The contract between Australia and Naval Group, majority owned by the French government, was signed 16 months late in February 2019.

It included contractual off-ramps during which Australia could pay to exit the project, and established “control gates” whereby Naval Group must meet criteria before getting to subsequent phase. The defence department considered these “hold points” for assessing the project’s risk, the Auditor-General said In September 2019, with A$446 million ($325 million) already spent in France, the defence department told the auditor it had examined extending the lifetime of Australia’s Collins-class submarine fleet “and the time this is able to allow to develop a replacement acquisition strategy”.

The 2020 Auditor-General’s report examining the submarine deal – the Department of Defence’s biggest ever – found the department had been “frank and timely” in communicating concerns with Naval Group Naval Group said during a statement to Reuters that it had been conscious of ventilation , but that official declarations were supportive of the submarine programme. It said Morrison was “very clear that the choice wasn’t a results of difficulties with the longer term Submarine Program or Naval Group Naval Group delivered on its commitments to the Commonwealth of Australia as acknowledged bythe letter for termination ‘for convenience’ we received,” the statement said.

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