4-Step Easy Process to Have Your PDF Password-Protected

Today’s generation has been bestowed with the blessings of technology which made access to information way easier than decades ago. Today, people can sit on their chairs and click on their computers to study specific topics, instead of going to libraries and searching amongst hundred of thick books. Needless to say, this generation had it easy.

Just like anything in this world, technology is not an all-good platform. It carried a shadow within it. If you are not careful and well-aware of how it functions, you may be engulfed alive by this said shadow. The same is said with the use of the internet. As this grants easy access to information, private ones can be just as easily breached if you are not cautious.

How to protect the files you may be sent over the internet?

To password protect PDF is the best solution to your problem. It is not as hard as it sounds. All you have to do is to go to PDF’s website and choose their password protection tool. PDFBear is a trustworthy platform that allows you to do a variety of modifications to your PDF. You may add texts and pictures and even convert your PDF to other file formats.

How to put password protection on your PDF using PDFBear?

The process will not require you to do mental gymnastics. It is easy to understand and follow. The first thing you have to do is upload your file on PDFBear’s server. You may do so by clicking on the select files button or choosing straight from your device and dropping it on the conversion box. Afterward, input the password you want to apply on your PDF file.

When you are done choosing the password and are already satisfied, click the encrypt PDF button. Wait for the process to finish while the website is rendering your password-protected file. You do not have to worry about waiting for too long; PDFBear is designed to be a quick and hassle-less website. Once done, you may download it on your device or share it.

Top-notch encryption tool

Among the edges of PDFBear is that it has installed a top-notch encryption tool to ensure that the password-protected files they rendered are guaranteed to be safe from any form of unauthorized access. This is very assuring since some of the websites that offer the same services do not have the same degree of guarantee because of subpar encryption tools.

Easy to Navigate Platform

Some websites are really intimidating to look at. Some have many buttons and hyperlinks that are too complex for someone who might not be tech-savvy or who might have visited the website for the first time. Thankfully, the PDFBear takes the diversity of users into account. Hence it is designed to be easily navigable by anyone, an expert on websites or not.

Quick Processing

PDFBear is also known for its swift processing. You do not have to wait for too long for the process to finish. It will only take you a good two minutes or five at most. This is because the website creators completely understand the value of time and the fact that some of the users do not have the luxury and patience to deal with long and tiring processes.

Privacy Rights guaranteed to be protected

Since you came to the website to have your personal files protected, it is already assumed that you are wary of having it breached because you uploaded it on the server. That could be possible, but not in PDFbear’s watch. The website employs the best encryption tool to protect your uploaded files. It will even be deleted an hour after the process’s completion.

High-compatibility across platforms

Some of the worries of users could be the non-compatibility of the website to the platform they use. Fortunately, this would not be an experience for PDFBear users. The website is tested across different platforms like devices, operating systems, and even browsers. Old or not, used conventionally or not, your platform will work seamlessly with PDFBear.

You only need Internet Connection

The very annoying thing about using software is that it eats up a lot of the space in your device and exposes it to the risk of slow performance. With PDBear, you will not have to use your device’s storage; the cloud storage used by PDFBear will save you from it. All you have to do is to secure an internet connection, and you are good to go.


When it comes to trustworthy websites that will uphold your privacy rights, PDFBear is the way to go. Not only does it respect your privacy by employing the best encryption tool to safeguard your files, but it also gives you the best and the most hassle-less experience, even better than the services rendered by high-cost software.


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