5 Energy Industry Trends That’ll Heat Up 2022

A recent study found that 1 in 5 deaths in 2018 was likely the result of pollution from burning fossil fuels. If we are not careful, our reliance on these dirty fuels will continue to cause countless unnecessary deaths worldwide. 

Thankfully, energy industry trends indicate that we are transitioning towards much greener alternative energy sources. Keep reading for 5 trends in the energy industry that you need to know about in 2022. 

  1. Renewable Energy Storage 

Many renewable sources of energy have the significant problem of being unreliable. Solar and wind power rely on sunny or windy conditions, respectively. If conditions falter, so too does the supply of electricity. 

Some smart startups are tackling this by developing electricity storage technology that will enable us to actively manage supply and demand to obtain a constant supply of electricity from intermittent energy sources. Momentum has been gathering and we will soon see the implementation of this idea. 

  1. People Care More About Clean Energy 

American public opinion has clearly shifted in favor of more renewable energy and cleaner electricity generation. This includes basic behavioral changes like being mindful of lights and appliances being left on but it also includes more significant measures like installing solar panels.

This is an effective way of reducing your personal carbon footprint and your energy bill for decades to come. Learn about solar installation now and join the solar power revolution.

  1. The Rise of Hydrogen

Hydrogen is a brilliant clean fuel in theory, but you need electrolyze water to obtain it. If the electricity is generated from burning fossil fuels is used for this, the energy is not environmentally friendly. 

 Many companies, like Siemens and the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries group, are pouring resources into creating an energy-efficient electrolyzer. If they succeed, hydrogen will become a viable clean fuel. 

  1. High Oil and Natural Gas Prices

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent oil and gas prices soaring as the United States has banned the import of Russian oil, gas, and coal. The huge reduction in supply has created excess demand in the market and hence a large price hike.

It seems like this will continue long in 2022 so American companies face a strong market incentive to shift away from fossil fuels. 

  1. Electric Cars

The powering of cars with electric batteries rather than gasoline is one of the biggest energy innovations in recent memory. This technology isn’t a passing phase, it is here to stay.

Most car manufacturers are planning to mass-produce electric cars in 2022. This will reduce pollution from car travel, but to ensure this is beneficial to the environment, we must make sure the electricity that powers them is from renewable sources. 

Watch These Energy Industry Trends Unfold

2022 is an exciting year for the energy industry. We will see huge changes as America and the world transition to cleaner and healthier electricity. Solar energy industry trends are driven not only by companies but by ordinary people. Get involved by investing in your own green technology.

Do you want to learn more about business and tech trends? Check out our Technology section now.

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