Afghanistan’s last finance minister Khalid Payenda now drives Uber in US

Khalid Paydawa who resigned as Minister of Finance the day before Kabul fell to the Taliban now pushed Uber Cab in and around Washington, in addition to working as an additional professor at Georgetown University where he got $ 2,000 per semester. In an interview with The Washington Post, the last Minister of Finance from the Government of Ashraf Ghani said he was grateful for the show he found because he helped him to provide his family and four children Given the last few days of his minister, Payenda told Washington Post, he had resigned as finance minister when Ashraf Ghani pulled him at a public meeting for his ministry’s failure to make payments to Lebanese companies. Seeing Ghani’s anger, Paydawa worried he might have arrested him on a false accusation. When he recounted how he landed in the US since then Kabul who was grateful, he said he quickly left the country and arrived in the US. His family members have gone for the US a week before.

“At this time, I have no place,” he said. “I’m not owned here, and I’m not the property there. A very empty feeling,” Khalid said According to the former minister, no one is blamed above. Even he himself. While the US left Afghanistan, Afghanistan did not have a collective will to reform, he said Payenda must know about the fall of Kabul from television and then on Twitter. “Everything we wake is a home card that goes down quickly. Cards are built on corruption. Some of us choose to steal even when we have our chance to be lean,” said the former Minister of Interview In the next few days, the former Payenda Minister created the WhatsApp group where anger was directed to those who had left the country. Payenda said he distanced himself from Mudsling when he didn’t see points.

This is not the first time Khalid Payda left his homeland. In 1992, when he was only 11 years old, his family moved to Pakistan when the civil war began in Afghanistan. “A decade later, after America dropped the Taliban, he returned to Afghan’s first private university,” said the report He has worked for the US International Development Agency and the World Bank, and in 2008 he came to the United States for the first time, attending the University of Illinois with a Fulbright scholarship. In 2006, he became Deputy Minister of Finance and in 2019, he moved to the United States while. In 2020, he returned to Kabul to work on a short-term project for Ghani when he was offered the position of Minister of Finance. His family opposed proposals and Payga now regret his decision.

The month before the fall of Kabul, the former minister said, he had visited the illegal customs post outside Kandahar. When he questioned police officers who carried out the operation to capture millions of dollars per day, he was detained at the wall point, the video still on the minister’s cellphone “What caused massive corruption that had destroyed Afghanistan? Selfidence? The inability of the Afghan bureaucracy? US strategies that empower warlords who are good at killing the Taliban, do not care about their cruelty or how big they steal?” The former minister said he brought these questions when he took classes at Georgetown University. 

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