Here’s Why It Is Important To Take Vitamin D During Pregnancy

Women need various types of vitamins, nutrients and minerals to stay fit during pregnancy. Women often consume enough vitamins A and C but ignore vitamin D. However, vitamin D is as important as nutrition and other minerals for pregnant women. Vitamin D helps maintain a balance between phosphorus and calcium in the blood. It also helps the body absorb calcium better and produce maintaining healthy bones. Vitamin D also controls blood sugar levels.

Women, who want to stay healthy in pregnancy, must avoid lack of vitamin D in the body because it also increases immunity Vitamin D deficiency weakens the bone or causes pain in it. It can also cause babies to have weak bones. Vitamin D deficiency can also affect the weight of a newborn baby. Pregnant women can have a problem of blood pressure. Things like don’t sit in the sun, less out, skin pigmentation, using more sunscreen can also cause vitamin D deficiency.

Pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of pre-eclampsia, bacterial vaginosis, gestational diabetes, miscarriage, premature labor, or abnormal fetal development Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy include constant pain in bones and muscles, fatigue, weakness, mood and irritability The benefits of vitamin D during pregnancy include decreasing immunity, strengthening bones, muscles, teeth. Consuming vitamin D rich food reduces the risk of diabetes. It also reduces the risk of high blood pressure and ensures the development of the right fetus.

Although sunlight is a source of natural and general vitamin D, foods such as milk, curd, cottage cheese, fatty fish and orange juice rich in vitamin D.

(Disclaimer: Health tips distributed in this article are based on general practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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