Knowing The Details Of Each Strain Is Essential For Success

Plant height is often a key selling point breeders mention when advertising their auto-flowering cannabis strains. These strains can grow anywhere from 90cm to three feet tall in many cases, making auto-flowering cannabis strains from retailers like Zamnesia an excellent choice for first-time growers.

However, if you keep repeating this growing method, your plants will become shorter each time! It’s because there is a direct connection between the size of your plants and how many harvests they can give.

If you want to harvest around 50 grams from each plant, expect them to grow up to 90 cm tall only during their first two months. If you want bigger yields (up to 100 grams), don’t allow them to grow taller than 60 cm (2 ft).

As you can see, knowing the specifics of each strain is essential for your success. If you fail to consider the height, your harvests will never be what they could have been! It is crucial when you prefer growing multiple crops with auto-flowering cannabis seeds.

The Biggest Mistakes Beginners Make When Growing Auto-Flowering Cannabis

If you want to harvest a fantastic crop, you have to avoid all rookie mistakes. Here are the most significant blunders that beginners usually make when growing with auto-flowering seeds:

1) Not familiarizing themselves with the specific needs of auto-flowering strains

2) Treating their cannabis plants as if they were normal

3) Failing to read the breeder’s description of each strain before purchasing seeds

4) Planting their seeds too close together (smaller yields, lower quality buds)

5) Choosing a wrong growing medium or container (best results are achieved when using hydroponics systems )

6) Not controlling the temperature and other environmental factors

7) Overwatering and overfeeding their plants (results in root damage, nutrient burn, and lack of oxygen for roots)

8) Topping or FIM-ing their plants too early (autos don’t need much training because they overgrow anyway).

9) Planting auto-flowering seeds outdoors (most likely, you won’t harvest anything due to the weather conditions).

10) Harvesting too early (weeks 1-2 after germination).

11) Waiting too long before harvesting (when buds already look ready for harvest).

12) Being impatient or in a rush with everything they do!

13) Using the wrong growing methods for this type of strain.

How to know you have quality Autoflower Seeds

Quality auto flower seeds are not easy to find these days. Here are some of the most obvious signs of quality buds:

  • When you buy feminized seeds, they must be 100% female with no hermies in the package.
  • You can’t expect auto-flowering cannabis seeds to have high THC levels, but if the breeder claims that they do, be careful! The breeder might try to rip you off and sell you their regular seeds instead.
  • You need at least six weeks of vegetative growth before you can harvest your buds (auto-flowering genetics usually take around three months to mature).
  • Growing with clones takes less time than growing from seed. However, if you want to produce multiple crops, your best option is to grow with seeds every time.
  • Growing outdoors under the sun is more complicated than growing indoors or in greenhouses because of predation by animals and thieves.
  • You have to use a hydroponics system for faster growth, bigger harvests, and better quality.
  • Choosing between feminized and regular seeds is mostly a matter of personal choice, but if you want to increase your chances of success, select auto-flowering seeds instead.
  • If you try using the 12/12 light photoperiod indoors, prepare yourself for massive gaps in vegetation periods because of Spring/Summer weather conditions.
  • Some growers recommend getting more packs of auto-flowering seeds than you need because some might not germinate. If the package only has ten seeds inside, you will have a 90% chance to lose at least 3 of them.
  • Auto strains are 100% female by default, which means that if the breeder accidentally pollinated some of the buds, you might have to deal with male plants or hermies.
  • Most indoor growers are more successful when controlling the light schedule because room temperature is usually higher than average. However, this isn’t always true for some outdoor grow ops that can be very successful even without any equipment!

It is advisable to always look for a reputable firm like i49 for auto-flowering cannabis seeds. One of the best ways to avoid scams is choosing a trusted supplier with many positive customer reviews. They shouldn’t have too many complaints or negative reviews. 

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