US to hold first face-to-face talks with Taliban since Afghanistan withdrawal

The US will hold an in-of-person talks with the senior Taliban leaders in the capital of Qatar Doha during the weekend for what agents are said to be intended to ease the evacuation of foreign nationals and at risk of Afghanistan. The US, however, emphasizes that the meeting on Saturday and Sunday does not show that it recognizes the Taliban government in Afghanistan. “We remain clear that any legitimacy must be obtained through the acts of Taliban himself,” said the spokesman.

Associated Press quoted an official who said that weekend talks will focus on Taliban leaders to commit that they will allow Americans and other foreign nationals to leave Afghanistan, along with Afghanistan who have worked for the US military or allies of Afghanistan and others during operation Military two decades The United States also wants to pressure the Taliban to observe the rights of women and girls, many of them have been banned back to work and schools, and Afghanistan in general, a foreign ministry spokesman said. “We will press the Taliban to respect the rights of all Afghans, including women and girls, and to form an inclusive government with extensive support,” said the spokesman was quoted as saying by AFP on Friday. “When Afghanistan faces the prospect of severe economic contraction and the possibility of a humanitarian crisis, we will also suppress the Taliban to allow free humanitarian agents access to the fields needed,” added the spokesman.

AFP reported that a spokesperson did not determine who would represent both parties. Senior US officials, including the Central Command Chief General Frank McKenzie, met with the Taliban in Kabul in August because US forces took over the airport for airlift According to a spokesman for the US State Department, the price of Ned on Thursday, 105 US citizens and 95 green card holders have been gone since the flight facilitated by the US. The US State Department said that dozens of Americans were still trying to come out together with thousands of green and afghan card holders and family members were believed to be eligible for US visas.

The US said that the Taliban mostly worked together to let Americans leave Afghanistan. It also said that it could not evacuate most of Afghan allies during airlift in a hurry in August which pulled tens of thousands of people from Kabul before the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

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