Climate, Afghanistan and Covid-19: As Leaders Reconvene at United Nations, Here’s What’s on Agenda

Last year, no leaders came in the least . This year are going to be quite different kind of . With the coronavirus pandemic still raging in many parts of the planet , leaders from quite 100 nations are heading to ny in the week for the United Nations’ annual high-level gathering a COVID-inflected, semi-locked down affair that takes place in one among the pandemic’s hardest-hit cities of all.

It will be a departure from the last in-person meeting of the overall Assembly in 2019 and much different, too, from last year’s all-virtual version Awaiting them: daunting challenges enough to scare anyone who runs a rustic , from an escalating climate crisis and severe vaccine inequities to Afghanistans future under its new Taliban rulers and worsening conflicts in Myanmar and therefore the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has pointed to several other signs of a more chaotic, insecure and dangerous world: rising poverty and hunger; technologys advances without guard rails like lethal autonomous weapons; the risks of climate breakdown and nuclear war; and growing inequality, discrimination and injustice bringing people into the streets to protest while conspiracy theories and lies fuel deep divisions within societies.
The U.N. chief keeps repeating that the planet is at a pivotal moment and must shift gears to a greener and safer world. to try to to that, leaders got to give multilateralism teeth, starting with joint action to reverse the worldwide failure to tackle COVID-19 in 2020 and to make sure that 70% of the worlds population is vaccinated within the half of 2022.

But as is usually true with the United Nations , it remains to be seen whether the high-level meetings, which start Monday and end Sept. 27, make actual progress After COVID-19 forced leaders to deliver remote, pre-recorded speeches eventually years meeting, quite 100 heads of state and government and quite twenty-four ministers decided to return to ny this year despite the pandemic. That reflects the United Nations unique role as a worldwide town square for all 193 member countries, whether tiny or vast, weak or powerful.

The assemblys annual gathering of world leaders called the overall Debate has always been an area where presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and other top officials can discuss local, regional and global concerns at public or private meetings and receptions, and over lunches and dinners. In other words, it creates an area to hold out the fragile business of diplomacy face to face, considered much more productive than virtual meetings online.

Richard Gowan, U.N. director of the International Crisis Group, said the overall Assemblys first in-person meeting since the pandemic began though about 60 leaders have opted to deliver pre-recorded speeches isn’t only symbolic but a chance to point out that international cooperation matters For leaders from poorer countries, this is often also a rare opportunity to talk publicly about the continued aftershocks of COVID-19, he said. Its also, frankly, quite fun to return to ny . tons of those leaders are stuck in their capitals.

After four years of Donald Trump representing the us at the meetings, in the week will see Joe Biden make his introduction as president at Tuesdays opening of the overall Debate. Gowan said the really significant question is strictly how he frames relations with China He wont be as forthright in criticism of China as Trump was, especially in 2019 and 2020, Gowan said. But i feel that Biden will attempt to cast China as a rustic that’s challenging the rules-based world order and a rustic that ought to not be trusted with leadership of the Systeme International d’Unites .”

The pandemic isn’t only something for world leaders to debate but also for them to affect on the ground: A key issue before the meetings has been COVID-19 entry requirements for leaders to the us and to the U.N. headquarters itself By tradition, the primary speaker after the secretary-general delivers his state of the planet report is Brazil. Its president, Jair Bolsonaro, who isnt vaccinated, reiterated Thursday he doesnt decide to get the shot any time soon. Bolsonaro’s justification: He had COVID-19 and thus, he says, he features a high level of antibodies.

Entering the us requires a vaccination or a recent COVID-19 test, but ny City features a vaccination requirement for convention centers, and it considers the overall auditorium which isn’t technically U.S. soil to be one among those Assembly President Abdulla Shahid said during a letter Thursday that the U.N. is counting on an system only. meaning there’ll be no ny City police checking people entering U.N. headquarters.

Many diplomats say they’re going to be closely watching the last scheduled speakers on the ultimate day, Sept. 27, because each has something contentious percolating North Korea just tested new cruise missiles that would deliver nuclear weapons. In Myanmar, generals ousted the democratically elected government in February. Guinea’s military toppled the democratically elected president a month ago. And in Afghanistan, the Taliban took power on Aug. 15 when the Afghan army didn’t put up a fight because the last U.S. troops were withdrawing from the country after 20 years of war.

The credentials of Myanmars current ambassador, from the countrys ousted democratic government, are being challenged by the junta , but U.N. officials say the overall Assemblys Credentials Committee wont meet to listen to the challenge until after the week’s meetings conclude. and therefore the Taliban havent yet submitted a letter challenging the credentials of the previous governments ambassador.

Among those delivering prerecorded statements this year are going to be the presidents of Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, South Africa and Zimbabwe. French President Emmanuel Macron was alleged to deliver a pre-recorded statement, but the govt said secretary of state Jean-Yves Le Drian will now deliver the countrys address face to face on the ultimate day.

France and China have reacted angrily to the surprise announcement by Biden, alongside the leaders of Australia and Britain, of a deal to supply Australia with a minimum of eight nuclear-powered submarines. Australia had signed a contract worth a minimum of $66 billion for a dozen French conventional diesel-electric submarines and their construction was already under way France, the United States’ oldest ally, responded by recalling its ambassadors from the U.S. and Australia on Friday, and therefore the dispute’s implications for Asian and global security are bound to be hot topics privately meetings in the week .

The action begins Monday morning when the secretary-general brings world leaders and therefore the global pop sensation band BTS together to place a spotlight on the 17 U.N. goals for 2030 starting from ending poverty and protecting the earth to achieving gender equality, providing every child a top quality education and ensuring healthy lives for all people An hour later, some 40 world leaders will attend a closed meeting on global climate change co-chaired by Guterres and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson within the run-up to Novembers major climate event in Glasgow, Scotland We need urgent progress on cash, cars, coal and trees, said Britains U.N. ambassador, Barbara Woodward. meaning raising $100 billion to assist vulnerable countries affect global climate change and getting ambitious plans from countries on cutting emissions, she said.

Louis Charbonneau, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch, said world leaders must address human rights crises also They should be clear that there are often no business as was common with serious rights abusers and support U.N. action which will impose real costs, he said. Abusive leaders round the globe got to know that that the planet is watching, which they’ll at some point be held to account for grave violations.”

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