Is COVID-19 Really A Respiratory Disease? No, It Is A Vascular Illness, Claims New Study

Soon after the emergence of the COVID-19 disease almost 2 years ago and since then, experts have believed that this is often a respiratory ailment that primarily affects the systema respiratorium of the physical body . This virus attacks the lungs, but it also can affect other organs of the body just like the kidneys and liver. on the other hand a number of the symptoms of this disease and complications were perplexing and really unlike what’s usually seen in respiratory illnesses. So, despite the universally held belief that this is often a respiratory illness some researchers tried to work out the various mysteries of the virus and exactly what quite disease it causes. Striving to unravel the mystery, researchers from the University of California-San Diego conducted a study and therefore the results show that this viral disease is indeed not a respiratory disease . Instead, researchers claim that this is often more of a vascular ailment and therefore the respiratory symptoms are a results of inflammation of lung tissues. This study is published within the journal Circulation Research.

Studying the damaging S protein

During the course of the study, researchers saw how the deadly virus affects the vascular or cardiovascular system of the physical body . They zeroed in on the S protein of the virus. consistent with them, the S protein of the virus, the spike that forms the crown, attacks the receptor ACE2, damaging the mitocondrias, which generate the energy of the cells. This damages the endothelium, which lines the vessel . This characteristic of the S protein is understood to scientists. What wasn’t known needless to say till now’s the precise mechanism and role of the S protein. This protein is replicated by all the currently available vaccines. For the aim of the study, the researchers created a pseudovirus, which had the S protein but not the remainder of the virus. They proved that this protein alone is enough to cause disease.

Vascular symptoms of COVID-19

In many cases, people infected with the COVID-19 virus exhibit blood clots. Some patients also experience what’s termed as “Covid feet” and skin conditions. Stroke has also emerged as a complication of this disease. These are unlike what’s seen in patients of respiratory illnesses and are literally indications of vascular irregularities.

Inflammation a serious explanation for lung damage

As far because the respiratory symptoms and lung damage go, researchers of the above-mentioned study say that it’s a results of the inflammation of the plant tissue within the lungs. consistent with the researchers, this vascular irregularity could also be associated with the inflammatory immune reaction of a patient.

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