7 Important Types of Cannabis Seeds To Grow On Your Farm

The popularity of cannabis seeds has increased dramatically in the last decade. And why shouldn’t it? The demand for this product is enormous since all age groups consume it across the globe. Different types of cannabis seeds for sale will give you a wide range of choices. You can select several marijuana strains, Cannabis strains, and pot seeds according to their flowering times, genetic properties, and growing seasons. Marijuana growers need to choose the right type of cannabis seeds since it affects marijuana production in an indoor or outdoor grow set-up.

  • Feminized Cannabis Seeds

Feminized cannabis seeds such as Bubba Kush from United Strains of America are seeds with female plant genetics. Feminized cannabis seeds allow growers to keep Indica, Sativa, and Ruderalis strains without using pollination techniques. The seeds companies almost exclusively plant feminized seeds since female cannabis plants are what you want for your garden.

Aside from not worrying about males pollinating your buds, female cannabis plants tend to be better producers overall. Feminized cannabis plants ensure that all the seeds produced by these plants will be female weed plants ready for harvest and producing buds daily.

The most obvious advantage is the quality of the buds. Even a novice can tell a female from a male plant. Plus, self-fertilized seeds make the plants less likely to suffer from mold, fungus, and other pests that hitchhike on seeds from male plants.

  • Auto-Flowering Cannabis Seeds

If you are looking for advantages of auto-flowering cannabis seeds, you should think of auto-flowering cannabis seeds as another opportunity to grow your plants indoors under lights. Autoflowering cannabis plants such as Bubblegum auto-flowering marijuana seeds are suitable for you if you don’t like the idea of having to maintain a strict schedule of switching your plants back and forth between 12 hours on and 12 hours off.

Auto-flowering cannabis seeds are late starting marijuana seeds. They are suitable for indoor crops. The concept depends on the fact that these seeds begin flowering automatically. Other types of marijuana seeds require you to manipulate their changing seasons by controlling the duration of light available to them. Auto-Flowering Cannabis Seeds are known for their short grow time, which makes them perfect for beginners.

  • CBD Rich Seeds

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is one of the essential elements in medical marijuana. CBD is useful in treating various ailments and conditions such as chronic pain, muscle spasms, arthritis, stress, and many others. It does not have any psychoactive effect, and neither does it make you high like other types of medical marijuana. CBD Rich seeds such as CBD Jack Herer offer the medical benefits of CBD, making them a very sought-after product.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive component of the marijuana plant, and it has been well documented and researched for various medical benefits and uses. CBD-rich seeds are no different from any other type of cannabis seed. They will grow into male or female cannabis plants; once they mature, the male plants will release pollen, creating quality cannabis seeds for the next generation.

  • Regular Cannabis Seeds

Regular cannabis seeds are the most common type of cannabis seeds. Regular cannabis seeds provide the best way of cloning a plant many times over, but naturally, which requires no outside manipulation. They are also the only sure-fire way for a grower to retain a strain’s THC and CBD profiles since they breed from a male and female plant.

Regular cannabis seeds such as Gorilla Glue are the most common kind of seed. As the name suggests, these seeds are not feminized. Regular cannabis seeds contain both male and female reproductive structures, which means that 50% of seeds can grow up to become female plants while the other half will become male plants. Regular cannabis seeds are typically cheaper than feminized ones, and they allow consumers to grow their supply of cannabis by reproducing new regular seeds for continued use.

  • THC Rich Cannabis Seeds

When looking at the benefits of cannabis seeds, what you need to understand is that THC potent cannabis seeds will always be worth the investment. THC (tetra hydro cannabinol) is the psychoactive element of marijuana. Several strains of cannabis seeds contain high levels of THC and are the easiest to grow and the most productive crops in general.

Some of the most psychoactive cannabis seeds are grown in cold climate countries. They can be marketed at great prices in countries with hot climates because the grower that grows in a cold environment has already solved many of the problems associated with high-THC growing. The same thing happens with indoor growing. Indoor growers have already worked out most of the difficulties when they are growing plants indoors.

  • Sativa Dominant Seeds

Growing Sativa dominant seeds such as Skywalker Sativa is the best way to grow pot indoors for plenty of reasons.

There is a wide variety of plants available for growing Cannabis plants indoors and outdoors, of which Sativas are popular due to the higher concentrations of THC. Growers may choose from a vast selection of Sativa Dominant cannabis seeds such as Northern Lights, Durban Poison and Hawaiian Snow. These strains of Sativa grow tall and leggy with a higher concentration of CBD but ultimately produce a more active, creative high.

Sativa’s tend to grow with an upward growth pattern instead of an outward or downward growth pattern. As a result of their growth pattern, they retain more chlorophyll and can appear lighter in color. Their flavors tend to be more citrus and piney than the deep tropical flavors that Indica’s exhibit due to their ability to produce more myrcene.

  • Indica Dominant Cannabis Seeds

The Indica dominant cannabis seeds are famous for growing indoors, even in small spaces. They are renowned for their large, resinous buds with a distinct smell. The Indica dominant cannabis seeds are best suited for SCRoG growing method because of their appearance.

Growing Indica dominant cannabis seeds such as the Pure Indica Feminized cannabis seeds will provide you with the best possible medical effects. These types of cannabis plants are grown for medicinal uses. Some patients use them to relieve chronic pain, anxiety, stress, and relax muscles.


All types of cannabis seeds have their positives and negatives. It is up to the grower to choose the type of cannabis seed they feel will give them the best yield based on their growing situation. There is nothing more exciting than seeing your cannabis plant seeds germinate, but it’s not without its challenges too. The most common problem people seem to have when growing weed is that they don’t know what pot seeds to buy. Because there are so many out there, and the great thing about the internet is that you can research any cannabis seed or plant you want, in such a case United Strains of America will come in handy.

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