4 Quick and Easy Steps to Unlock Your PDF With PDFBear

Have you ever felt anxious about sending a file over the internet for fear of giving people unauthorized access? That fear is valid. Fair enough, there have been many issues regarding data privacy violations considering the prevalence of internet use. Because of this, internet users have searched for ways to transmit files while eliminating the fear of breaches.

Among the safety nets, they found is to password encrypt PDF. If you are sent over a file with password encryption, you must know the code to open the particular file. The thing is, once you have received it, it becomes a hassle to encode the password every time you access the said file. Hence, we will teach you a tip to make your PDF journey more bearable.

PDFBear: Your go-to tool to decrypt PDF

PDFBear is among the platforms that unlock PDF with password encryption. It is a web-based tool, which means that you can only access it with the use of the internet. This is actually favorable since it saves you from the inconvenience that purchasing software brings. PDFBear also offers other PDF-related services like converting file formats and modifying PDF.

How to unlock your PDF with the use of PDFBear?

The steps are straightforward. With only a few clicks, you can already have the unlocked version of your PDF. The first thing you should do after opening the website is to upload your file. You may do so by clicking the select file or simply dragging the file to the workbox. The second step is to encode the password, which will be given by the owner.

Once you are already certain that the password combination is correct, you may click the unlock PDF button. You have to wait for a few minutes for the decryption tool to process. Once it is done, you will be brought to a download page where you will see the final output. Here, you may save the unlocked version of the PDF to your device; you may also send it via email.

Superior unlocking technology

PDFBear has a superior unlocking technology that is comparable even to the most expensive software there is. It does not just allow the users to have access to the locked version of the PDF; it even has the capacity to altogether remove the encryption, so long as you have the password. A password-free PDF file will make multiple access hassle-free for you.

Privacy is given utmost respect

One thing you should always consider when visiting websites is their privacy policy and safety measures. Some websites only give less than the bare minimum regard to it most of the time. Thankfully, PDFBear ensures that whatever is uploaded on the website will be kept safe from any breaches. In fact, files uploaded on the server will be deleted an hour after the process.

Safe password removal

What is scary about the internet is that you can get viruses and malware in just a click if you are not vigilant and careful enough. This is a risk that you cannot bear taking, mainly because it can mean ruining not just some aspects of your device but your device as a whole. PDFBear is, fortunately, a safe website free from any risk of viruses and malware.

Easy and Convenient Processing

One of the most distinctive features of PDFBear is its ability to provide a convenient experience to its users. Firstly, their website is designed for easy navigation so users would not get confused upon their visit. Second, the processing of the files will only take two to three minutes which is a great help for those people who have their plates filled up.

Compatible with the majority of platforms

PDFBear’s creator ensures that the website is tested across different platforms: operating systems, devices, and even web browsers. This means that whatever platform you are using, whether it be a phone or laptop, may it be windows or mac, google chrome, or internet explorer, you will not have a hard time accessing the top-notch services of PDFBear.


When it comes to anything related to PDF, PDFBear got all the solutions for you. with its superior technology, not only does it make sure to get the job done, but it also ensures that the user of the platform gets the best experience from the quality of service, navigation to the protection of privacy rights. Indeed, PDF Bear is the best PDF tool on the internet.


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